Chapter2 Selftest2.txt John Stile 1. What do each of the following code fragments mean? a.) if (aa > 75_) // True if variable aa contains a value lager than 75 b.) if (aa > bb) // True if variable aa contains a value larger than variable bb c.) void cc (int xx) // Header for funciton cc, which takes an int (referred to as variable x inside function) and returns nothing. d.) cc(7); // Call function cc, sending an argument of 7 e.) int dd(int) // Header for function dd, which takes an int and returns and int. f.) yy=dd(25); // Call function cc, sending it 25, and assign the return value to variable yy g.) for ( yy=0; yy<24; yy=yy+2) // loop through 0 to 24, stepping 2 (every even number) { // start loop execution printf("yy is %d \n", yy); // print "yy is // include functions from stdio.h lib when compiling this code int main(void) // header for main function block { // start main funciton block int num; // decalre variable num of type int int * pnum; // declare pointer named pnum of type int pointer num=8; // assign num value of 8 pnum=# // assing int pointer pnum address of int variable num. printf("The value of num is %d\n", num); // Print the value in num (aka 8) *pnum=(*pnum)*(*pnum); // multply 8 * 8 and store in variable num printf("The value fo the num is %d\n", num); // Print the value in num (aka 64) return 0; // Return 0 from function main } // exit main funciton block 4. write a program named larger.c that uses two variables. have the program ask the user for an integer and read the user's response, saving the response in the memory address of the variable abc. Do the same for the second integer in placing the result in def. Have the program output which ever number is greater. #include void main(int) {