John Stile chapter2 Selftest1.txt 1. What do each of the following lines of code accomplish? a.) printf("Last Name \t First Name \n"); // prints "Last Name First Name b.) printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d.\n",45,27,45+27); // prints "The sum of 45 and 27 is 72." c.) scanf("%f", &price); // stores a number with a decimal at the memory address pointed to by variable price. d.) int aaaa; // declares a variable of type int; e.) aaaa=aaaa + 20 //errors. No semicolon. but would have incremented value of aaaa by 20. f.) scanf("%s", item); //stores string in an array item. item in this context is the first element of array &item[0] 2. What errors are in the following program? Correct them and make it work. */ Selftest 1-2.c */ /* Selftest 1-2.c */ include #include int main(void) int main(void) { int xx,yy int xx,yy; xx=3.8; xx=3.8; yy=5.2; yy=5.2; printf("The sum of d and d is %d\n", xx,yy,xx*yy); printf("The sum of %d and %d is %d\n", xx,yy,xx+yy); return0; return 0; } }