Title: frame buffer messages Subject: splashutils print text on frame buffer # # start the fbsplash daemon # communicate with it using splash_comm_send() from splash-functions.sh, # directing it to update the progress bar and the system message. # # I read /usr/share/doc/splashutils/daemon #checkout splash_comm_send in /sbin/splash-functions.sh # ####################################### #Load functions . /sbin/splash-functions.sh splash_setup # Start the splash daemon BOOT_MSG="$(splash_get_boot_message)" ${spl_daemon} --theme="${SPLASH_THEME}" --pidfile="${spl_pidfile}" --type=${ttype} ${options} # Set the silent TTY and boot message splash_comm_send "set tty silent ${SPLASH_TTY}" splash_comm_send "set mode silent" # prints: Booting the system 0% splash_comm_send "repaint" # try to stop mouse from messing up screen (this doesn't work) splash_comm_send "set gpm" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 0 of 8 let progress=65535*0 text="(0%) Starting Install... Please wait..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 1 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*1)/8)) text="($(((100*1)/8))%) Deleting partitions..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 2 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*2)/8)) text="($(((100*2)/8))%) Creating paritions..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 3 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*3)/8)) text="($(((100*3)/8))%) Creating Mount Points..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 4 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*4)/8)) text="($(((100*4)/8))%) Writing OS to Flash..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 5 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*5)/8)) text="($(((100*5)/8))%) Writing App to Flash..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 6 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*6)/8)) text="($(((100*6)/8))%) Installing Boot Loader..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 7 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*7)/8)) text="($(((100*7)/8))%) Unmounting System Flash..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # 8 of 8 let progress=$(((65535*8)/8)) text="($(((100*8)/8))%) Installation Complete..." splash_comm_send "progress $progress" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "set message $text" splash_comm_send "repaint" #-----------------------------------------# # EXIT splash_comm_send "set effects fadeout" splash_comm_send "repaint" splash_comm_send "exit" #-----------------------------------------#