Title: Add qmvc (and clamav) to qmail vpopmail. Subject: It's the only responsible thing to do. Every one benefits from it. These are my notes to setup qmvc+clamav+qmail+vpopmail. Started seeing errors in email that my clamav is too old Found no notes on the oringinal setup, but this is it. Downloaded latest rlease and installed from: http://www.clamav.net/ Unpack, compile, install tar -zxvpf clamav-0.81.tar.gz /home/jstile/Qmail/clamav-0.81 ./configure make make install Files: /usr/local/share/clamav/{daily,main}.cvd /var/qmvc/bin/qmvc_dayly_cron.sh /etc/clamd.conf /etc/freshclam.conf /home/vpopmail/domains//.qmail-default Create script for dayly cron: vi /var/qmvc/bin/qmvc_dayly_cron.sh #!/bin/bash ############################# # By: John Stile # Get into the html directory ############################# cd /var/qmvc/html/ # Run the scripts to update the html files /var/qmvc/bin/qmvclog2html -m -c /var/qmvc/bin/qmvcmonth -a #/var/qmvc/bin/webcalendar # need to install 'ncal' first /var/qmvc/bin/virulator -s -m -c # Do this if you haven't done it already # ln -s qmvc_calendar_2004.html qmvc_calendar.html # Make an index of all files in this dir. echo "" > index.html ls |sed 's/\(.*\)/\1<\/A>
/g' >> index.html echo "" >> index.html Stats web page: vi /etc/apache2/config.d/qmvc.config ################################################# # -BEGIN- Q-Mail Virus Control Alias # ################################################# Alias /qmvc/ "/var/qmvc/html/" Options +Indexes AllowOverride AuthConfig Order allow,deny Allow from all ################################################# # -END- Q-Mail Virus Control Alias # ################################################# Ran the cron job by hand /var/qmvc/bin/qmvc_dayly_cron.sh Set crontab crontab -l Now it looks like stats are updating correctly http://stilen.com/qmvc/qmvclog-current.html Try to get the newest /usr/local/bin/freshclam --verbose --debug --config-file=/etc/freshclam.conf tail -f /var/log/clamav/clamd.log Looks good, add to dayly cron /etc/cron.daily/freshclam #!/bin/sh #debug#/usr/local/bin/freshclam --config-file=/etc/freshclam.conf --verbose --debug /usr/local/bin/freshclam --config-file=/etc/freshclam.conf Filter mail through qmvc: vi /home/vpopmail/domains//.qmail-default |/usr/local/bin/qmvc -v- | spamc | /home/vpopmail/bin/vdelivermail '' bounce-no-mailbox Check perms: ll /home/vpopmail/domains/stilen.com/.qmail-default -rw------- 1 vpopmail vchkpw 88 Nov 6 02:09 /home/vpopmail/domains/stilen.com/.qmail-default