2003-06-4: 1. Prerequisits: urpmi -a --auto syslinux urpmi -a --auto rsync urpmi -a --auto perl-DBI urpmi -a --auto perl-Tk urpmi -a --auto perl-XML-Simple 2. Install SystemImager: Directions: http://www.systemimager.org/download/ cd /tmp wget http://sisuite.org/installer.pl chmod +x installer.pl ./installer.pl --verbose --download --install server (or ./installer.pl --verbose --download --install client) (or ./installer.pl --verbose --download --install both) *Note from John: At the end of the command, if all goes well, it will print this, but you can ignore it, as they are all installed. cd /tmp/sis-packages ./installer --install TYPE *Note from John: if something fails delete /tmp/sys-packages and re run script after fixing the error. * SSH Support: Export restrctions of crypto, ssh is not supported by the rpm. To get around this, perform the nex to steps. 1. Download the systemimager-source tarball to your imageserver. cd /tmp/ wget -w http://aleron.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/systemimager/systemimager-3.0.1.tar.bz2 2. Unpack it urpmi -a --auto bzip bzip2 -d systemimager-3.0.1.tar.bz2 tar -xvpf systemimager-3.0.1.tar cd systemimager-3.0.1 3. Execute the following command: urpmi -a bc gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net --recv-keys 0x86FF9C48 make WITH_SSH=1 install_ssh_tarball Add this to your apache config: Alias /systemimager/boot/ /usr/share/systemimager/boot/ Options Indexes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all ------------------------------------------------------ Install SystemInstaller and its prerequisites on the server. The prereqs are: systemimager-server systemimager-common libappconfig libdbdcsv perl-DBI perl-Tk (if using systeminstaller-x11) man SIS systemconfigurator-2.0.5-1 systemimager-common-3.0.1-1