Error 1:
[Sisuite-users] parted - Error: Can't have the end before the start! |
I was stuck on a SystemImager install.
The partitioning program (parted) had the wrong partition information, and died.
Solved the problem by hacking the master script in the partitioning section.
Below you will
Using Debian packages:
systemimager-boot-i386 3.2.3-6
systemimager-common 3.2.3-6
systemimager-server 3.2.3-6
The golden image was get-image-ed when I was running 4.3.1 (ups).
I downgraded the server to 3.2.3, and tried to restor an image from 4.3.1
That probably caused this problem.
The client boots off the auto install boot cd,
I pop-in a floppy with the local.conf
The kernel loads, finds the hard dirve and nic drivers
It get's an ip address from dhcp,
connects to the image server,
finds it's master script,
and tries to run it.
(i.e. /usr/local/download/)
# Get the size of the destination disk so that we can make the
partitions fit properly.
DISK_SIZE=`parted -s /dev/sda print | grep 'Disk geometry for' | sed 's/^.*-//g' | sed 's/\..*$//' `
[ -z $DISK_SIZE ] && shellout
if [ "$ARCH" = "alpha" ]; then
cd into the new ssh dir.
make install
ps -ef |grep sshd
Do you See sshd?
If you see sshd, put it in your startup scripts.
vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd
sample sshd
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/sshd /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S70sshd
# Get the size of the destination disk so that we can make the
partitions fit properly.
DISK_SIZE=`parted -s /dev/sda print | grep 'Disk geometry for' | sed 's/^.*-//g' | sed 's/\..*$//' `
[ -z $DISK_SIZE ] && shellout
if [ "$ARCH" = "alpha" ]; then
Gets 'Disk geometry for /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/disk: 0.000-239372.437 megabytesThen it intelligently creates the first partition:
echo "Creating partition /dev/sda1." START_MB=$END_OF_LAST_PRIMARY END_MB="$(echo "scale=3; ($START_MB + 78)" | bc)" echo "parted -s -- /dev/sda mkpart primary ext2 $START_MB $END_MB || shellout" parted -s -- /dev/sda mkpart primary ext2 $START_MB $END_MB || shellout END_OF_LAST_PRIMARY=$END_MB
Creating partition /dev/sda1
parted -s -- /dev/sda mkpart primary ext2 0 78
From then on it it has the wrong numbers, and goes wonky:
Creating partition /dev/sda2
parted -s -- /dev/sda mkpart primary exst2 239369 239370
Warning: Unable too align partition properly. This probably
means that some other partitioning toll
generated an incorrect partition table, because it didn't
have the correct BIOS geometry. ...
Creating partition /dev/sda3
parted -s -- /dev/sda mkpart primary ext2 239371 239372
Warning: Unable too align partition properly. This probably
means that some other partitioning toll
generated an incorrect partition table, because it didn't
have the correct BIOS geometry. ...
Creating partition /dev/sda4
parted -s -- /dev/sda mkpart extended 239372 239368
Warning: Unable too align partition properly. This probably
means that some other partitioning toll
generated an incorrect partition table, because it didn't
have the correct BIOS geometry. ...
Error: Can't have the end before the start!
Killing off running processes.