Title: LAMPS, By : Johan Yang ( yohan_inoue@hotmail.com )style: # Setup Apache with ssh and libpdf 1. Debian (woody) boot:bf24 Tasksel -->Development c and c++ locales: en US ISO en US UTF8 2. Source code repository: mkdir /usr/local/SRC mysql-standard-4.0.16-pc-linux-i686.tar.gz openssl-0.9.7c.tgz mod_sslxxx.1.3.28.tgz cd /usr/local/apache/bin ./apachectl startssl enter passphrase lynx localhost lynx localhost/test.php to check https use browser, since lynx cannot authenticate SSL https://localhost 12. check pdflib # this will take a text file and serve a pdf file. # need to allow the user that apache runs as to write to htdocs. chown -R wwwrun /usr/local/httpd/htdocs