#!/bin/bash # Title: Install script for Big Brother # Subject: I tried to make my notes a script this time. # I'm reading the install directions, and following along with a shell scritp. # create user echo "Creating the group for big brother: bigbrother" if ( egrep "499|bigbrother" /etc/group ) then echo "group bigbrother does not exist, 499 is not used" echo "creating group big brother on 499" groupadd -g 499 bigbrother else echo "either bigbrother exits, or 499 is used" exit fi echo "create the big brother user: bigbrother" useradd -u 499 -g bigbrother -d /home/bigbrother -c "Big Brother" -s /bin/bash bigbrother -m # look at the startup scritps for httpd.conf files. # assign the location of the httpd.conf file to apache_config_file apache_config_file=`grep -rn httpd.conf /etc/init.d|sed 's/.*\(\/.*httpd.conf\).*/\1/' |sort -u` echo "apache_config_file=$apache_config_file" # find the main cgi-bin directory in the httpd.conf # assing cgi-bin_dir the location of the cgi-bin dir. cgi-bin_dir=grep -C20 \ /etc/httpd/httpd.conf|grep \> bb-hosts ./bbchkcfg.sh cd ../.. ln -s bb18d1 bb chown bigbrother:bigbrother bb cd bb chown -R bigbrother:bigbrother . cd .. chown -R bigbrother:bigbrother bbvar ln -s /home/bigbrother/bb/www /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/bb cd bb18d1 su - bigbrother ./runbb.sh start # getting desperate: chown bigbrother:bigbrother /usr/local/httpd/htdocs/bb # this fixed it ==> edit httpd.conf AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/passwd AuthGroupFile /etc/httpd/group Options +FollowSymLinks +Multiviews AllowOverride None Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks +Includes MultiViews AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all DAV Off Options -FollowSymLinks +Includes +MultiViews Order deny,allow deny from all allow from localhost ------------------------------ su - bigbrother vi README to familiarize yourself with BB vi README.INSTALL and follow the instructions - stop and read README.SECURITY (2 pages) su - bigbrother # Don't forget at the end of the installation process to chown -R bbuser:bbgroup bb bbvar #------------------------------- # snort2bb.pl tar -zxvpf snort2bb-000831.tar.gz cd snort2bb-000831 perl -MCPAN -e'install "Time::HiRes"' perl -MCPAN -e'install "File::Tail"' perl -MCPAN -e'install "IO::"' perl -MCPAN -e'install "IO"' BBDISPLAY=host IP address `uname -a` # on machine running snort ~bigbrother/bb/ # path to the Big Brother client (bb) path to /var/log/secure # default /var/log/snort/alert # run snort /home/demarc/demarc/bin/demarcd -s 1 # Arkeia cp bb-arkeia.sh ../bb/ext/ chmod 755 ../bb/ext/bb-arkeia.sh vi ../bb/ext/bb-arkeia.sh ARKIEA_POOLS ARKEIA_TAGS vi /home/bigbrother/bb/etc/bbdef.sh #Append to Variale BBEXT="bb-arkeia.sh" vi /home/bigbrother/bb_plugins/snort2bb-000831/startsnort.sh /usr/local/bin/snort -c /home/demarc/demarc/conf/snort.conf -oOq -h -A fast& cd bb_plugins/snort2bb-000831 cp snort2bb.pl startsnort.sh stopsnort.sh ../../bb/ext/ ######################33 # mtrg cp bbmrtg.sh /home/bigbrother/bb/ext chmod 555 /home/bigbrother/bb/ext/bbmrtg.sh export BBHOME=/home/bigbrother/bb cd $BBHOME . ./etc/bbdef.sh BBSLEEP=300;export BBSLEEP mkdir /home/bigbrother/bb/mrtg edit bbmrtg.sh RRD="/usr/bin/rrdtool" MRTGDIR="/home/bigbrother/bb/mrtg" # monitoring/detecting VNC servers cp bb-vnc.sh bb-vnc. bb-vnc.cfg.example ../bb/ext/ mv bb-vnc.cfg.example bb-vnc.cf to .helloworld mkbb pg snort2bb.pl stopsnort.sh root /home/bigbrother/bb 602--> nedit etc/bbdef.sh #BBEXT is set in runbb.sh # etc/bb-bbexttab # etc/bbdef.sh ############################### # bb-ntp Install #vi bb-bbexttab -->add bb-ntp.sh #copy lines mentioned to bbsys.local # # Checks for errors in: # bdef.sh # bbinc.sh # bbsys.sh pushd $BBHOME/etc; ./bbchkcfg.sh; popd # Checks for errors in: # bb-hosts pushd $BBHOME/etc; ./bbchkhosts.sh; popd # start it up: # After start, examine the BBOUT file for errors # When you have all of your hosts defined in etc/bb-hosts, # create a tarball for BB clients of same OS and hardware $BBHOMEinstall/bbclient