When I update kde plasma on openrc gentoo the screen locking is a problem
To unlock have to do this:
1. Find the Session to unlock with ck-list-sessions command from sys-auth/consolekit package

2. The unlock command:
  sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/$Session org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.Unlock

Ubuntu 18.04 disable screen locking, for real.
1. gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true
2. gnome-control-center
- Privacy -> Screen Lock -> off
- Power -> Blank screen -> Never
- Dim screen when inactive -> On
# bind-tools- change dig to not working with MS DNS out of the box.
# REF: https://kb.isc.org/article/AA-01387/0/DNS-Cookies-in-BIND-9.10-and-9.11.html

# this shows the bad query out of the box with no other options
e.g. dig desktop1.my.domain.com
; <<>> DiG 9.11.1-P3 <<>> desktop1.my.domain.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: FORMERR, id: 25932
;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: 02a0a36ab4a14af1 (echoed)
;desktop1.my.domain.com.  IN      A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Nov 27 10:40:47 PST 2017
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 69

By default, (new) dig will send requests with a DNS COOKIE option present. You can disable this with dig +nocookie.
e.g.dig +nocookie desktop1.my.domain.com
; <<>> DiG 9.11.1-P3 <<>> +nocookie desktop1.my.domain.com                                                                                                       
;; global options: +cmd                                                                                                                                                
;; Got answer:                                                                                                                                                         
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 6405
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4000
;desktop1.my.domain.com.  IN      A

desktop1.my.domain.com. 3600 IN   A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Nov 27 10:44:17 PST 2017
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 73

Use the server clause in named.conf to disable sending the DNS COOKIE option to servers that fail completely
In BIND 9.10.x the option to do this is "request-sit no;"
From BIND 9.11.0 onwards, it is "send-cookie no;"

Add this to CMakeLists.txt to have cmake create a tar file

# Create tarball: cmake . && make package && tar -tzvpf tests.tar.gz
SET(CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL "list" "of" "files" "to" "package")

2016-08-29: kde plasma5 dual monitor can't split image

For various reasons kde team decided not not split an image
across dual monitors automaticaly, as it has been working
for pervious kde releases.

Hack: convert -crop 50%x100% +repage Dual-Monitor-Wallpaper-2560x1024.jpg Dual-Monitor-Wallpaper-%d.jpg
and tell kde which image to use.

2015-11-22: I must finally say, "Good Bye" to Evolution.

I have been using Evolution since 1999, when I bought it from Ximian.

I loved it. It made me a first class citizen in a Microsoft World.
It let me do so much, siimply, and not worry about viruses.

But Finaly a Gentoo update must upgrade a package that is
nolonger compatible with gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-2.

Updating gnome-extra/evolution-data-server-3
requires gnome-base/gnome-common-3
requires systemd (an init system), which is ludicrous.

If Free Software takes away my choice of init system, it is not Free.

So, after 16 years, Good Bye Evolution! Sad to see you go.


Embeded linux systems to consider
Xinu Is Not Unix


2014-11-012: Microsoft "open-source" .NET

It will use the MIT license.

M$ promises not to sue over patent infringement,

Available Source:

but they (currently) don't plan to accept patches back, 
so it's not a community project yet.

Now we have to get systemd to migrate to .NET, 
"Join me, and I will complete your training."


Systemd Really? Can't we do better than that?

systemd: way too much for pid1

I have read a lot of opinions about systemd and Lennart Poettering's
empire-building, which fall into 3 categories: pro, con, abstain.

Systemd proponents say systemd:
1. fixes inadequacies of other init systems and programs systemd displaces.
2. supports new features (multiterm) not available elsewhere.
3. is a more secure improvement architecturally.
4. must be good because major distributions adopted it(RedHat, SuSE, Debian).
5. herald a new erra of innovation for the Linux operating system.
6. marginalize criticism as conservatism, conspiracy-theorists, insist
"the design is sound", flaws are fixable, and it is easier to fix than go back
to another system (though they did not fix existing systems).

Debian proponents say systemd:
- systemd may have problems but it is licensed under the LGPL
- LGPL v2.1 may have problems but it is a legitimate free software license by the FSF.
- Debian has no obligation to reject software based on non-freedom issues (as defined by Debian/FSF)
- Integrating systemd into Debian may be a technical mistake (or not) but it is not immoral or against Debian's own ethics/rules for conduct.
--- but no choice is not nice.

Systemd oponents systemd:
1. Disapprove of anit-Unix (one entity does everything) architecture, and
resent a gentile-nudget maturing into a hostile takeover,
where very few distros offer any alteriave, as people quickly forget
alternatives ever existed.

2. Claim the architecturally flawed with complexity and false isolation, which
weakens OS security by broadening the attack surface of PID1 more than any
other init systems, as it does too much. Why should gnome desktop mandate
systemd if things are isolated? Pid1 must be simple and independent becasue
it can crash the whole box. Traditionally it only handles signal SIGCHLD and
SIGTERM, but Systemd handles hardware changes, syslog, network stack, cron, logins, and more,
which deals with resource allocation, file parsing, message parsing, string
handling, and this increases the opportunity of a kernel panic.

2. Takes a step backward by requiring a reboot for upgrading services (rather than just the kernel),
just like Windows, because if systemctl daemon-reexec fails (re-execing PID1
fails), the whole system goes down (kernel panic). This can happen if old and
new libs diverge too far, configs change, or an unclean re-exec due to busy

3. Has a creeping Scope, continuing to broaden beyond init, into application level dependencies.
I have recently had to stop using Evolution email client, as it requires
the systemd init system to build and run. This waves a big red flag in my mind.

4. Needlessly uses binary logs, displacing choice in log daemons.
Does anyone else find it handy to parser logs? Keep it simple stupid!
How are you going to make custom stuff for linux with binaries you can't read?
Who else uses logger?

The Conspericy FUD gets in the way of a reasonable debate. Though important points are made,
even if they are true, it doesn't change the fact that a better solution must be found.
The one-way door vendor lock is taking place, while a better alternative has
not been designed, pitched, and adopted. The political waters navigated by
systemd must be crossed by the next int system, but there may not be any supporting
software projects left (like udev) by the time it comes along. The age of
the 5000 pound gorilla Linux user space is upon us.

Systemd opponents say it is a conspiracy to remove completing components:
1. it replaces udev, dhcp-clients, login, syslog and the list grows.
2. its monolithic, API-lock-in-oriented, make exit migration unlikely.
3. pulls requirements one does not need on all systems.
4. makes it unnecessarily all-or-none.
5. fragments the community.
6. scope is driven by Poettering's will.
7. it subversivly introduced subtle changes to other programs creating
a one-way migration trap in FOSS, embrased by even Debian.

Systemd neutral say:
1. it doesn't effect them.
This group is shrinking as the scope of systemd expands, and ubiquity materializes.
I hope they start to care before all alternatives become unmaintained and antiquated.
I hope it burns everyone sufficently before we burn decades patching to bad
archiecture, like MicroSoft and Apple learned many times.
2. there is no alternative or choice.
There are several init systems, so be vocal with your distribution, and try
another distro, and itry to design a better architecure your self.
3. Lennart Pottering is just a misunderstood community builder, open to pull requests.
I have tried to send him email, but his inbox is /dev/null, until systemd creates Trashcan.

A solution better than systemd:
1. init (PID1) only executes an rc program, keep it atomic, simple, isolated, durable.
2. init must be transparent to applications.
3. init must have a well defined interface that is small, so it can be swapped out for another.
2. rc launches process supervision program running daemons.
Candidates: include DJB's daemontools, runit, Supervisor, GNU dmd.
Maybe Linus will save us.
A frined (Alex Belits) proposed an rc that uses a ramdisk,

My Opinion:
1. Systemd is bad for server security, has too may cross dependencies, requires reboot on upgrade.
2. Diversity is good in any ecosystem (lesson from nature), and systemd hinders this, so it is bad.
3. The migration to systemd does not offer a path away from systemd, so it is bad.
4. Don't trust a leader that is willing to fragment community, and leaves avahi.org down for a month.
5. While Gentoo offers a choice, I will stick with it, otherwise I'll be Without Choice in Linux.
6. Debian violates it's mission charter by adopting systemd as the default init, as it removes many freedoms.
7. Gnome3 adopting systemd was the first domino; Debian the next domino. Now Ubuntu and Suse,
and the rest, all follow RedHat (aka Pottering), "to create software that helps you reach your potential." ;)
8. In a well desiged system, a gui should be isolated, and not dicate the init system.
9. I am disappointed by the failings of leadership in unix philosophy and comminity building, by Gnome, Debian, and the rest.

REF: SystemdForUpstartUsers
REF: Broken by design: systemd
REF: Distributions not adopting systemd
REF: The Story Behind ‘init’ and ‘systemd': Why ‘init’ Needed to be Replaced with ‘systemd’ in Linux
REF: Goodbye, Arch Linux
REF: ZDNET: Linus Torvalds and others on Linux's systemd


Systemd vs sysVinit Cheetsheet

Configure nautilus to let you type path to a file (default makes you click icons).
Clicking icons can be far slower and tedious than typing a path.
gconftool-2 --type=Boolean --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/always_use_location_entry true

Gnome 3.8 goes stable in gentoo, and my desktop setup blows up
Gnome 3.8 requires systemd, which replaces openrc and udev.
I mainly run KDE, but I like a few gnome apps, like Evolution.
I have used Evolution since 2000, when Ximian created it.
But I will switch to something else if my Mail User Agent is going to dictate my init system.
I like this persons review of gnome 3.
In my opition, Gnome better evolve past an all-or-nothing model.
They may get my MUA, or maybe even my desktop, but is a GUI to claim my system init? No! Take a hike.
Game support on linux sucks, and although Loki is cool,
cross platform just isn't important enough to game manufacturers, so they choose DirectX over opengl.
That is fine, they lost a customer, and I have more productive things to do anyway.

But recently a new game captured my interest, and I want to try it: Hawken
I joined their beta list, to find they also are only Windows. Ar!
Luckly, on the Hawken user forum, I found a video where a person covers how they got it working:
By L.G.C
It boils down to:
I have the Hawken Closed Beta-2 working in
64bit Gentoo, wine-1.5.16-r1, and winetricks-916.
run winetricks
"Select default windprefix"
Install "corefonts"
Install a Windows DLL or component
  d3dx9_36     ( I used d3dx9_43 )

After all that, you return to the main wintricks page, and choose cancle to close.
Next I have to deal with my Nvidia Optimus hybrid graphics card.
Install bumblebee, which gives you optirun (enables the nvidia part).
Run the game:
pushd  .wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/MeteorEntertainment/Hawken/InstalledHawkenFiles/
optirun wine HawkenLauncher.exe

Great Nedit tips for developers
nedit doesn't do utf-8, but sports some great features.
Language Modes hightling,
Line Numbers Statistics Line, Goto Line (ctrl-l), or select compiler error and Search ... Goto Selected.
Matching Parentheses ctrl-m,
Opening Included Files, highlight include file and select File ... Open Selected.
Finding Declarations (ctags), NEdit to go directly to the declaration of a highlighted function or data structure name with a single command.
Interface to Programming Tools via the client server interface.
Some simple compile/review, grep, ctree, and ctags browsers available in the NEdit contrib directory on ftp.fnal.gov
Tab emulation, replacing with 4 spaces is handy.

I Love Gentoo!
Official wiki
Unofficial Wiki
Sunrise overlay
Ebuild Handbook

Distributing GPL code
Some say:
  It's OK to distribute non-gpl code
  dynamicly linked to gpl code,
  if the linking happens at run time (not compile time like static-linking),
  because the end user is then doing the linking (not the distributor),
  and the linking is what creates a derivitive work.
  and it is derivitive work that can't be redistributed without source.
Stillman and the fsf.org feel:
  dynamicly linking to gpl code,
  is the same as staticly linking to gpl code,
  and therefor a derivitive work,
  which must be distributed with source and tools to rebuild the binary.
Still others say:
  one must consider if the functions linked too
  are such a signifigant part of the non-gpl code
  when determining if the dynamic-linking complies with the gpl
I need to figure out the difference between dynamiclly linked at run time vs. dynamically linked at compile time
  For Dynamic linking, at compile time the linker only records what library routines is needed and the index names or numbers of the routines in the library.
  GPL libstdc++ linking exception allows non-gpl code to be compiled with gcc,
  but also allows programs to use libraries available under GPL licenses
  without themselves becoming subject to the full terms of the GPL as a result.

This whole thing seems very confusing to me.

USB Linux hardware/driver status report
Serial ATA(SATA) Linux hardware/driver status report
Until Gentoo's release is updated, install using Daniel Robinsons updated stage tarballs
Realtime kernel notes
Nice Notes on full openwrt install
Blog on Holy grail of Open Source alternative to Exchnage Calendering
HOWTO do Linux kernel development - take 2
Build a live cd from your running linux system
CSUEB LUG - 3rd Saturday each month. 2-4pm.
What is linux-gate.so.1?

Found this take on Ubuntu on ItWrie
My RSS reader has exposed a High Frequency and Large Volume of news about Ubuntu each day.
I am not Super Impressed by Ubuntu, so why is there so much news?
Does Ubuntu has a professional PR department generating news? I think so. Is that bad? I can be.
Will it become a pawn in the OSWars in the end?
Ubuntu is offspirning to the Most Noble Debian, but how far from the (source)tree does it fall?
I'm disappointed in Ubuntu for not giving their developers the job of helping Debian (thier base) reach it's next stable release (etch).
What deserves more press, as it is awsome, is Gentoo.
As you can see here, a frequent Ubuntu promoter bashes Debian for not releasing etch on time.

Udev Primer
If you get this error:
WARNING: Unable to open an initial console.
You need to create 2 static devices before udev will start
cd /dev
mknod -m 660 console c 5 1
mknod -m 660 null c 1 3

Linux Device Drivers, 3rd Ed
Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Ed

CF Linux: Building a Compact Flash Linux system
Booting Linux from Compact Flash
genetikayos - Linux on a USB Flash Drive
gentoo on CF
Gentoo - TinyGentoo
Gentoo - Catalyst
Gentoo - livecd_ng
Compact Flash Filesystem: Journalling Flash File System (JFFS2)
Debian - CF Installer Script

Debian Docs
Gentoo Forum

Evolution no spell checker! Using SuSE 9.2. I've instlled:
Finall, found on mailing list:
click *MISSINGNAME* -> Spell checking
highlight english, click OK, and close
now run oaf-slay and bonobo-slay
I had to log out and log in again.
Now it works. but this hack means it's kinda broken.

Thankyou Adobe! Finally, Accrobat Reader for Linux support a wheel mouse!
Who reads more in pdf format than geeks? What are they thinking?
Thank you! Thankyou! Thank you! Adobe rocks. Now how about PhotoShop?

SuSE 9.2 webstart broken due to gilbc issues. Bug (6188963) reported 01-NOV-2004, no fix from suse as of 27-APR-2005
tmp workaround

gaim rpm for suse with ssl support

My Gentoo notes

If you are going to use Debian, increase your apt aptitude
See http://stilen.com/linux101.txt for apt and dpkg usage notes.
See http://stilen.com/notes/debian101.txt for little tweeks and hurdles to make my systems work.

Linux on USB key: http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/~sbano/linux1.html

I got a Canon Pixma iP1500 for the holidays, but no drivers for Linux from Canon
Guess they just don't get it yet.
Turboprint does have one though, but it costs as much as the printer.
X.Org and XFree86.org
I first heard of this when I upgraded SuSE from 9.1 to 9.2.
Suddenly true type fonts in Kopete stopped working.
When porting mplayer-plugin rpm from Fadora Core to SuSE 9.2, XFree86-devel could not be found.
That's because XFree86 is not part of the SuSE 9.2 distribution., but X.org is.
Debian and Gentoo are also switching to X.org.
  - security and bug fixes that I found in Xorg CVS but not in XFree86 CVS.
  - improvements for fontconfig, Xft and other code in Xorg but not in XFree86.
  - Some of our fixes in NetBSD's xsrc came from Xorg because XFree86 didn't have yet.
  - the Xorg community is friendly and appear to be open to suggestions.
  - Xorg tries to have frequent, but not to frequent, releases.
Home page:

More cool rpm's for SuSE, at least someone has the right idea.
This totaly helped me get mplayer working after upgrading SuSE from 9.1 to 9.2
Come on SuSE!  Just add the package player to your distro or donate to EFF. 
  By buying a dvd and dvd drive is it no fair use to be able to play it with a free player?

  I finally get why people say Debian is the right way to go. 
  Most distributions of Linux force a person to do a complete version
upgrade (replacing all the packages on the system), adding new packages
and removing deprecated packages.  This can lock a person into a version
number, and make the upgrade a scary forest of errors, pit-falls, and bobbitrap. 
  Once Debian is installed, package upgrades occur each night, and it
never needs to be reinstalled as a major version upgrade. Install once,
setup the update process, and never install again.  While this culture
of package management may not fit the needs of every situation, it is
 Update available servers for downloads
	apt-get update
 Search for any packages with a Name 
	apt-cache search  
 Search for available packages 
	apt-get list 
 Install a package with Name
        apt-get install 
 Download package source 
	apt-get source --download-only 
    # This will get 2 files: a patch and the source
    Apply patch to the source
  	dpkg-source -x .dsc
 List files installed by a package 
        dpkg -L 
 Text frontend to apt        
 GTK front end to apt
 Debian Configuration interface
For the D-Link DSB-C310 webcam, which uses the OV519 chipset,
Get driver from http://alpha.dyndns.org/ov511/
Build and install, and then: modprobe ov51x
MPlayer homepage
dvd::rip homepage
DVD Ripping and Transcoding under linux (excellent)
Using CD burners under Linux
use wine to urn Internet Explorer 6 SP1
Linux Floppy Distrobutions
Linux Desktop Consortium
Linux Bios
Putting Linux on your motherboard,Linux Magazine March, 2003, Pg. 76
They used Motherboard: M810LMR, with a SiS630 chipset,
They plugged a ZIF socket into the normal bios socket, and then plugged normal bios chip into ZIF.
The ZIF socket makes it easy to remove the chip while system is on.
Buy a Disk-on-Chip (holds about 8MB).

Steps to Linuxbios setup:
1. Get LiuxBIOS source code.
2. Get the correct Linux kernel source, patch, and build.
Must include support for Memory Technology Devices (MTD)
Must include support for loadable modules
Must change a line in source to get MTD working.
Change: #define DOC_SINGLE_DRIVER
Loadable module support
[x] Enable loadable module support
[ ] Set version information on all module sysmbols
[x] Kernel module loader
Memory Technology Devices (MTD)
Memory Technology Devices (MTD) support
[ ] Debugging
< > MTD partition support
< > MTD concatenating support
--- User Modules and Translation Layers
Direct char device access to MTD devices
< > Caching block devices access to MTD devices
< > Readonly block device access to MTD devices
< > FTL (Flash Translation Layer) support
< > NFTL (NAND Flash Translation Layer) support
RAM/ROM/Flash chip drivers --->
Mapping drivers for chip access --->
-----work in progress, more to come ----
3. Configure and build the LinuxBIOS boot code for your motherboard.
4. Get the Memory Technology Devices (TD) utilities and build the 'erase' utility.
5. Remove the BIOS chip from its socke ( while power is on ! ) and put a Disk-on-Chip (DoC) in its place.
6. Burn the LinuxBIOS image containing the boot code and the kernel into the Disk-on-Chip.
7. Hit reset to start the new LinuxBIOS system.

########################################################################### 05 2003:
Heard of Rusty's Kernel Grapher? http://fcgp.sourceforge.net/lgp/
This thing looks cool! I'm trying it on SuSE.p
########################################################################### 02 2001:
SuSE and RedHat both have very easy update utls (yast and up2date -u).

I just need to get more flavers under my belt.
See the notes section for good howto's.
02 2001: So whats all this certification stuff I'm noticing?
I for one hate having to postpone projects to prove I know my stuff,
but what are you gon'a do?
I personally have a life too.
The Linux Professional
SAIR Linux GNU Certifiction
Unix Review of cetif's
The Brainbench Test Center
Unofficial SuSE FAQ
This guy has a great site for linux
Linux Standard Base - Standardizing The Penguin
ReiserFS - More efficent FS than ext2
Testing linux, from sgi
Hi Availability- UltraMonkey
HowTo parallel cluster Linux
Good Q/A page for Linux.
ip is a very important tunneling/routing tool
Linux Help Online
Linux Dojo (Hayward LUG)
USENIX - Advanced Computing Systems Assocaition
Register your SuSE
SuSE support site
Linux BBC
Unofficial SuSE FAQ
BugTraq Mailing list
SuSE Software
Linux Care Knowledgebase
WineX Gaming on Linux
Network Installs HowTo (SuSE-AutoYaST, RedHat-Kickstart, Mandrakeq
Open Source Project Framework.pdf